围绕研究方向开展了系列前沿研究,并取得了一定学术成果。论文主要发表于《Energy》、《Renewable Energy》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Applied Economics》、《Emerging Markets Finance and Trade》、《Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja》、《Computers & Industrial Engineering》、《Information Sciences》、《Energy Reports》、《Energy & Environment》、《Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications》、《Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems》、《IEEE Access》、《Entropy》、《COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management》等期刊上。 获奖: 1. 陈瑾(1/1)昆明理工大学2022-2023学年课堂教学比赛一等奖(2023) 2. 陈瑾(1/3)“正大杯”第十三届全国大学生市场调查与分析大赛总决赛三等奖(2023) 3. 陈瑾(3/3)云南省哲学社会科学优秀成果一等奖(2020) 4. 陈瑾(1/1)云南省优秀毕业生,云南省优秀博士学位论文(2021;2023) 以第一和通讯作者发表的主要论文如下: [1] 第一作者. Network evolution underneath the volatility spillover in traditional and clean energy markets. [J]. Applied Economics, 2023, 55(58), 6305-6921. (SSCI) [2] 通讯作者. Risk spread in multiple energy markets: Extreme volatility spillover network analysis before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. [J]. Energy, 2022, 256, 124580. (SCI) [3] 通讯作者. Is R&D helpful for China’s energy technology industry to respond to external uncertainties? [J]. Energy, 2021, 226, 120332. (SCI) [4] 通讯作者. From volatility spillover to risk spread: An empirical study focuses on renewable energy markets [J]. Renewable Energy, 2021, 180, 329-342. (SCI) [5] 通讯作者. How good or how poor have China’s new energy enterprises done: An empirical study based on the lagged double-market network [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 262, 121284. (SCI, SSCI) [6] 通讯作者. A retrospective analysis with bibliometric of energy security in 2000-2017 [J]. Energy Reports, 2018, 4, 724-732. (SCI, SSCI) [7] 通讯作者. The bubble and anti-bubble risk resistance analysis on the metal futures in China [J]. Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2018, 503, 947-957. (SCI, SSCI) 专著: 第三作者. 商品期货市场风险传染现象的实证测度与分层应对[M]. 经济科学出版社, 2018. |